1 – AREGALA was the first gastronomic – cultural, philanthropic and educational association in the Americas.
2 – It was founded in 1982 by the chef Diego Silva Lehmann, and registered in 1992 in Peru as International Gastronomic Association and signed by chefs Carlos Alberto Dumas (Argentine) Ramiro Rodríguez Pardo.(Spain – Argentine), Coco Pacheco (Chile), Abbas Mosheni (Bolivia- Iran), Johnny Schuler (Perú), Ana Muro de Benitez (México), Diego Silva (Perú)
3 -AREGALA is the first gastronomic association to declare a world day for the chef and culinary worker, on October 16, in agreement with the world right to food day decreed by FAO. Date that keeps its validity celebrated annually.
4 – AREGALA was the first association in the world to organize a gastronomic congress in Latin America, which took place in Lima and Machu Picchu in April 1992.
5 – AREGALA appointed Lima as “Gastronomic Capital of Latin America” in 1992
6 – AREGALA was the first culinary organization to organize culinary events in Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Cuba (co-organized with the Culinary Federation of Cuba)
7- AREGALA was the only gastronomic association who has been invited to the “WORLDWIDE EXPOSITION EXPO -SEVILLA 92”, in Spain. Taking responsibility for evaluating the 400 restaurants of all over the world that participated in that famous exhibition.
7 – AREGALA is the first association that organizes successful international festivals in:
a- Spain: 1992- Expo Sevilla 92.
b- Argentina (year 2000 in the city of Cordoba, in 2004 in Buenos Aires, in 2005 in Salta, in 2006, 2016,2018, in Mendoza, in 2008 in Mina Clavero, Córdoba, and 2011 in Mar del Plata.
c- Peru 1992. (from 1996 to 2000 in Lima and then in 2003, 2007, 2008. 2010 in Arequipa – Peru, 2011in Cusco – Peru and 2012 in Chiclayo – Peru.
d- Costa Rica in the years 1995, 2010
e- Ecuador in the years 2003, 2005, 2009,2014
f- Bolivia in 1990, 1999, 2000, 2004, 2010
g- Chile in 1990,2011,
e- México: 2003 2004 in Df., 2005 in Veracruz and 2009 in Zacatecas.
f- Cuba, 1996, event that was organized in conjunction with the Federation of Culinary Associations of Cuba.
g- Turkey: 2014
h- Finland 2014
i.-Slovakia 2015
j.- Poland -Pozland: 2016
k.- Brasil- 2004, 2013.
l- France – Lyon, 2013
Italy – Torino 2013 – Professional training course at Institut Paul Bocuse e Ifse.
m- Spain Gourmonde SAN SEBASTIAN ESPAÑA – 2018, Gourmonde Valencia 2018.
8 – AREGALA was the first gastronomic association to promote culinary education before important universities, ministers and other authorities, creating the AREGUI in 1995 in Costa Rica, with the official recognition of the Ministry of Tourism and other gastronomic universities and hotel associations.
9 – AREGALA is the association responsible for organizing the most culinary festivals of the last 25 years in different countries of the world. He has made and participated in more than seventy events during his career.
10- AREGALA was the first gastronomic association in the world to obtain recognition from its partners as illustrious guests, distinguished visitors and as events of cultural and tourist interest. Obtaining these important recognitions in cities such as Buenos Aires, Salta, Mendoza, Cordoba (Argentina), Veracruz, Papantla (Mexico), Costa Rica, Lima (Peru) in 2003 and 2008 and 2010, 2012 in Cusco and Chiclayo, and in Ecuador, being granted by the Minister of Tourism of the same country. Brazil – Comuna de Sao Roque 2013 and in Piobesi Torinesi 2013
11 – AREGALA was the first Association of Gastronomic Restauradores of the Americas that was established in the majority of Latin American countries and later in the United States and Canada, recently becoming Association of Gastronomic Restauradores of The Americas and THE WORLD (in process) and establishing important representations in Europe, Asia and Africa, thus maintaining a continuous growth worldwide.
12 – AREGALA establishes the day of the Latin American Gastronomic Confraternity, using the tamale as a symbol on March 3 (which is why that same date is declared a tamale day). This ceremony is held in a symbolic mansion five centuries old, in front of the Cathedral of Mexico.
13 – AREGALA is the first culinary association in the world to found a humanitarian gastronomic organization called COCINEROS SIN FRONTERAS registered in Peru and Mexico and in the process of being registered in Argentina and other Spanish-speaking countries. It was also registered in the USA as COOKS WITHOUT FRONTIERS, in France and Quebec as CUISINIERS SANS FRONTIÈRES and in Brazil and Portugal as COZINHEIROS SEM FRONTEIRAS.
14 – Through AREGUI – Accord Sur les Relations et Extention des Etudes Gastronomiques Universitarires, Agreement on Relations and Extension of University and Institutional Gastronomic Studies a network is created that brings together more than 30 schools and faculties of the world, creating a unique program of its kind and developing an excellent educational level in the entities culinary associated.
15 – AREGALA creates the first culinary contest in Latin America, sponsored by the most important schools and institutes in the world, calling it INTERNATIONAL GASTRONOMIC MARATHON registered with copyright in France, Peru, USA and Mexico.
16 – AREGALA creates the first world organization of gastronomic journalists known as OMPG PRESS in Spanish or WOC PRESS in English.
17 – AREGALA founds the first associations of chefs in Bolivia, Chile, Peru and another in Argentina, (where there was already an association of chefs) but due to the characteristics of its rapid growth AREGALA is established in all countries with the name AREGALA followed by the country.
For all this AREGALA has revolutionized the world of gastronomy thanks to the technological, philanthropic and scientific contributions that it carries out through its different organisms like COCINEROS SIN FRONTERAS, ACLA, AREGUI, REGIONAL CIRCLE OF GASTRONOMY SCHOOLS OF PERU, OMPG PRESS , IGAM and PERU GOURMET EXPORT.
Therefore we affirm that:
AREGALA is much more than an association of chefs, it is a family that seeks to unite the nations of the world through the arts and culinary sciences.